
Galerie zdjęć, filmów, animiacji.

Bobbi Misiti in Warsaw

Bobbi Misiti
Polygraph Productions

Bobbi Misiti in Warsaw from Polygraph Productions on Vimeo.

Bobbi Misiti dropped by Warsaw on her European teacher tour and shared some knowledge with local yoginis and yogis.

Kino MacGregor w Astanga Yoga Studio

Kino MacGregor w Astanga Yoga Studio
Polygraph Productions

Kino MacGregor of Miami Life Centre is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. The youngest woman to hold this title, she has completed the challenging Third Series and is now learning the Fourth Series.

Kino visited Warsaw's own Astanga Yoga Studio and had some amazing workshops there. Go watch Kino talking on all of your doubts and frustration along the yoga's path and get inspired.

Learn more about Kino:

Drop by Astanga Yoga Studio whenever you are in Warsaw:

Directed, shot and edited by Polygraph Productions.

Mysore Oslo - Surya Namascara A & B

Mysore Oslo - Surya Namascara A & B
Basia Lipska, Aga Rzekiecka


Basia Lipska w Joga Klubie, Kwiecień 2011

Basia Lipska w Joga Klubie, Kwiecień 2011
Artur Wiśniewski

Acro Yoga z Guille Benitez w Nava Yoga

Acro Yoga z Guille Benitez w Nava Yoga
Marta Bartnicka
Paweł Witkowski INTools